Providing Everything You Need
Bioresonace therapy
The Bioresonance machines Quantum Analyser and Meta Hunter combine the latest technology with incredible accuracy (up to 96%) and efficiency of treatment, making it one of the leading devices of energy medicine worldwide.
Bioresonance is the medicine of the future, being non invasive, fast and has the ability to detect changes on a cellular level very early on, before major pathological changes had a chance to develop – making it into an excellent preventative tool.
Bioresonance works on the principle that every living cell emits a healthy frequency, which can be detected, if disease processes evolve the vibrational output changes, which can be measured.
Bio-resonance is a kind of energy medicine (electro acupuncture or homeopathy are in the same rubric) or form of vibrational healing, which goes back several decades. The scientist Dr. Royal Rife discovered that pathogens (virus/bacteria) emit a certain unique frequency, and can be destroyed by exposure to a specific (inverted) frequency, without any negative effect for the body. He claimed he was able to cure cancer with a similar method, but faced extreme hostility and suppression by a powerful conspiracy headed by the AMA (American Medical Association).
The Meta Hunter and Quantum Analyser are highly sophisticated, state-of-the-art Bioresonance machines, with proven 96% accuracy. One scan with this machine can be as effective as 20-30 different specialist doctor visits, as every organ and system in your body can be investigated for proper function, pathogen and toxin accumulation, while you sit comfortably holding an electrode or wearing headphones.
Foot reflexology
Reflexology is a powerful tool for promoting balance and well-being, and our bespoke treatments takes it to the next level. By combining classic reflexology with advanced techniques like spinal reflexology and Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT), we provide deep insights into your body's condition and tailor our approach to your unique needs. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, stress, or other health issues, our goal is to help you achieve homeostasis and feel your best.
A therapy that will help you move from gamma to alpha state of mind where the chitchat in your mind will stop!
When the brain frontal lobe in alpha mode connects with the limbic centre, emotions will be reorganised.
But the aim for me is to help you reach theta and delta states of mind where you: achieve piece of mind, feel more at ease in social situations, clear old traumas that are holding you back, boost self confidence, control panic attacks, help clear phobias, control mood swings, manage PTSD and prevent strokes.
PSYCH-K provides a safe and effective way to free your mind and design the life you want. It is an effective way to quickly and easily change outdated subconscious perceptions and beliefs that may be sabotaging your goals in life. It can be used to change personal power, grief, stress and trauma, fears or phobias, relationships etc.